Engaging Customers in Atlanta, Georgia: Leveraging Social Media for Business Success

Brown Bag Marketing offers personalized online advertising & marketing solutions for small & large businesses in Atlanta. Leverage social media to engage with customers & grow your business.

Engaging Customers in Atlanta, Georgia: Leveraging Social Media for Business Success

Businesses of all sizes can benefit from leveraging social media to engage with customers in the Atlanta, Georgia area. Brown Bag Marketing is a full-service digital marketing agency that offers personalized online advertising and marketing solutions for small, medium and large businesses. With the right approach, businesses can use social media to market through personalized brand pages, Facebook apps, reputation management and contests to win. Engaging followers and converting them into buying customers requires more than overnight success.

It's important to maintain social profiles and relationships not only with customers, but also with influencers. We can develop, deliver and manage attractive, high-performance marketing campaigns for both local businesses in the Atlanta area and for national corporations. Many companies don't understand digital marketing well because it's a complex mix of art and science. Social media marketing has become one of the most visible and visible forms of a successful digital marketing strategy and is necessary for the growth and opportunity of any competitive online business.

With the enormous amount of demographic data and statistics that we have at our disposal, there's no reason why a business owner should use assumptions to base their marketing decisions. We combine marketing strategies with user data research to customize the right approach to representing your company. Social media marketing is a fantastic strategy for local businesses in Atlanta, Georgia, because it's cost-effective and you have full control over how you present your brand to your customers online. Unfortunately, many business owners tend to think that their company is too small to benefit from social networks or that their customers don't use them to make important business decisions. At Brown Bag Marketing, we have a degree in marketing and sales and a certificate in business leadership from the University of Georgia as well as SHRM certification. Our Vice President of Marketing and Business Development & has a long list of achievements including being a pioneer in social networks with major brands such as AT&T and Food Lion, teaching digital marketing at Georgia Tech's Scheller Business School, working in Europe and Asia, obtaining a wine certificate from the French Culinary Institute and a taste for Armenian cuisine inherited from her mother. In today's economy, a digital marketing strategy is the best way to turn your company's website into an effective and efficient marketing channel that takes your company to the next level.

With Brown Bag Marketing's expertise in digital marketing strategies, businesses in Atlanta can leverage social media to engage with customers in an effective way.

Nora Froman
Nora Froman

Hardcore web geek. Hipster-friendly social media maven. Avid tv fanatic. Award-winning internet practitioner. Friendly coffee guru. Evil music geek.

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